“I need help now” learning
Bold. Concise. Clever.
When people need help in the moment, we create (or curate) the right mix of stunning videos, courses, articles, job aids and/or chatbots to provide performance support that fits between diapers and dinner.

Motion Videos
Short engaging videos that blur the focus on what’s required for users.

Responsive courses
Short, engaging courses that focus on a specific task or key piece of information.

Job aids
Easy to use and great looking, we create performance support tools that work, whether as an app, interactive PDF or good old paper.

Short, well-written articles that explain a specific task or topic are incredibly useful and easy to digest. We’ll curate, or write if we have to, articles and/or help set up a curation structure for your people to use.

Social structure
The best answers often come from people, not systems. We’ll help create the structure and guidelines for your social learning.

Sometimes what you really need is someone to answer your questions. When a person can’t, an AI bot can. We build them and they answer questions (and improve performance).

Whether packaging other micro solutions, or a unique performance support tool, we build apps for web, iOS and Android. Perfomance support where your users need it.

Virtual Reality
When a traditional video or course won’t do, our developers create a virtual world to replicate your world.

Augmented Reality
Mix real world with digital and harness the power of A/R to close your performance gaps.